Fresh & Clean


Best Tips for Line Drying Clothing Outdoors

Line-drying clothing outdoors is a great way to save energy and save money on your electricity bills. It’s also an environmentally-friendly way to get your clothes dry without using a dryer. If you’ve ever wondered how to line-dry your clothes outdoors, this blog post is for you. We’ll cover everything from how to line dry your clothes outdoors, the benefits

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6 Things to Avoid When It Comes to Your Washing Machine

Your washing machine is very efficient when it comes to cleaning your clothes. It’s up to you to make sure it continues to do a good job. By avoiding certain tasks, you can keep your washing machine in good working order and prevent it from unnecessary wear and tear. When you buy a new machine, go through the manual carefully

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Is Fabric Softener Harmful to Your Clothes?

Since its advent in the early 1900s, fabric softener has gained massive popularity over the decades. For instance, in 2019 alone, fabric softener sales in the U.S. amounted to a staggering $2.1 billion. The popularity of this product stems from its capability to soften scratchy and stiff fabrics during washing, as well as add fragrance to them. To soften clothes,

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Fresh & Clean Laundromat: Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning Experts in Chula Vista

So, you have this huge pile of dirty clothes in your house, but doing laundry for several hours straight isn’t exactly your favorite chore. At Fresh & Clean Laundry, we’ve got you covered! But why choose us? Well, because our laundromat stands out in every aspect that matters to you. We Never Abdicate Our Responsibility for Your Clothes Ideally, consumers

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How to Save Time and Money When Doing Laundry

Household chores are a part of your everyday routine. Laundry is one of those chores that can eventually start to cost you more money than it should. It doesn’t have to be that way though. There are many things you can do to lower the cost of washing and drying your clothes. Take a few minutes and go over the

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