5 Must-Know Tips for Using the Laundromat

Laundry Tips for Every Laundromat Trip

Whether you’ve moved home or have downsized your home appliances, using the local laundromat may be a new experience for you. While the process of washing and drying your clothes remains the same, it may take a little while to get used to using the laundromat. To help, we’ve rounded up some essential laundromat tips to help make your trip as efficient and enjoyable as possible!

  • Sort at home. Sorting your laundry at home means that you spend less time at the laundromat organizing piles of clothes. It can also simplify what you have to carry.
  • Choose off hours. Make your trip to the laundromat less hectic by choosing off-peak times such as the middle of the day or late at night.
  • Inspect first. Take a moment to inspect the machine before using it to ensure there isn’t any leftover bleach or items.
  • Garbage bags. It helps to stash a few large garbage bags in your laundry basket in case it begins to rain. This way, you can cover your laundry baskets and clothing to keep it clean and dry until you get home.
  • Know how to pay. Make sure you know your local laundromat accepts payment. Many do not accept coins anymore and rely on prepaid cards or credit cards.

Need help with your laundry? Give the team at Fresh & Clean Laundry a call to learn about our services and about how we can help. As your friendly and efficient laundry team in California, we hope to see you soon!

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